A&NZD Digital Issue No.80
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Australian & NZ Defender No 80 December 2012

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Australian & NZ Defender No 80 December 2012

INSIDE - Afghanistan: Victoria Cross awarded to Cpl Daniel Keighran for actions in the Tangi Valley in August 2010. Combined Team Uruzgan 3RAR Task Group final advisory field ops in Nesh Kandahar, Khas Uruzgan, Deh Rawod and Mirabad Valley, SAS and 2 Commando Regt Special Operations Task Group XVIII counter insurgency COIN ops in Uruzgan, Helmand, Kandahar, Daykundi and Zabol Provinces.

Gulf of Aden and Gulf of Oman: HMAS Anzac Maritime Security Operations.

Timor Leste: Timor Leste Task Group 5 final ADF and NZDF Timor activities.

Rwanda: 2RAR at the April 1995 Kibeho massacre in Rwanda.

Australia: Landing Helicopter Dock LHD Canberra arrives in Melbourne.

NEWS: ADF combat role in Afghanistan beyond 2014? Sixth C-17A Globemaster enters service, 19 additional M-777A2 155mm guns, RGM-84 Harpoon Block II certified, G Wagon vehicle training, RAAF F-35A Lightning II in assembly, RAAF retires last C-130H Hercules, Giraffe C-RAM radar in Tarin Kowt, KC-30A MRRT loses second boom, Final M-113AS4 vehicle accepted.

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