Australian & NZ Defender No 93 March 2016
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INSIDE: AUSTRALIA: Counter Terrorism eight page pictorial featuring SOCOMD-Australia's Tactical Assault Group's conducting Recovery and Close Quarter Battle preparations to counter ISIS's onging threats. Six pages special on the new Special Operations Aviation capability announced in the Defence White Paper 2016.
IRAQ and SYRIA: Ongoing ground and air operations against Islamic State are seeing steady erosion of IS conquests but the going is slow. Task Group Taji 1 and 2 operations including Australian and New Zealand Build Partner Capability and 2 Commando Special Operations Task Group Train Advise and Assist operations have assisted the Iraqi ground forces take Ramadi and erode IS in Nineveh Province. The Australian RAAF Air Task Group is ramping up air operations dropping many more Precision Guided Munitions thatn in earlier eras.
ARABIAN SEA: HMAS Melbourne completes a very successful Counter Narcotic Operations period seizing almost a tonne of heroin off Pakistan's Makran Coast.
AFGHANISTAN: The Australian contribution to the survival of Afghanistan's democracy continues with training teams embedded at the Afghan National Army Officer Academy and General Directorate of Police Special Units in Kabul supported by security teams from 8/9RAR.
NEW ZEALAND: The NZDF led eight nations in a complex HADR and Peace Making scenario based wargames during Exercise Southern Katipo held in the north of the South Island in November.
NEWS: New E-550 Special Electronic Missions Aircraft for RAAF, Three additional CH-47F Chinooks, RAN Amphibious Task Group Complete, Next generation Mounted Close Combat Vehicles, Vertical Take Off Unmanned Aerial Systems for RAN, Army retains Black Hawk helicopters, Eighth C-17A Globemaster operating from Amberley, 49 new Pilatus PC-21 advanced pilot trainers, Cape Class Patrol Boats for RAN, NZDF acquires Glock Gen 4 pistol, New Tiered Combat Helmet, Land 155 Bridging Systems.
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